Meetings held the second Monday of every month at 6:00 PM. Please speak to Knight if interested in attending.
Access your online ministers schedule by clicking the link below. If you do not have your log in, please contact the church office.
If you enjoy working outside and helping with the grass cutting our landscaping our beautiful church grounds, please contact the church office for more information on how to sign up.
Lector, Usher, Eucharistic Ministers, Sacristan, Altar Servers, Hospitality, Spanish and English Bereavement Committees
The members of the linen ministry launder and iron the sacred linens used in the Mass. Participants dedicate themselves to a weekly rotation of laundering and returning the sacred linens about once a month. Members of the linen ministry work together with the head sacristan during Holy Days and other important seasons in the liturgical calendar.
Practice held every Tuesday evening. Please contact Mary Jones Rhodes for more information.
Meetings held every Tuesday at 10:00 AM
Meetings are open to all the women of our parish. Meetings are held on the second Sunday of every month at 2:00pm in our parish life center.
Meetings held every Monday at 10:00 AM.
The “Young at Hearts” ministry organizes and provides a monthly Rosary, Mass, potluck lunch and bingo activity for retired parishioners. They meet on the second Thursday of the month, and helpers are always needed for set-up, fellowship, and cleanup.
The participants of the Grass-Cutting Ministry are organized into teams who cut the lawns of the church, do edging, trim overgrowth, and haul away organic debris. Parishioners who participate in this ministry can also use their own lawnmowers if they wish to bring them. Participants in this ministry must be able to work well in a team, be
The participants of the Grass-Cutting Ministry are organized into teams who cut the lawns of the church, do edging, trim overgrowth, and haul away organic debris. Parishioners who participate in this ministry can also use their own lawnmowers if they wish to bring them. Participants in this ministry must be able to work well in a team, be consistent, and physically able to safely complete the tasks required.
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